Tuesday 29 September 2015

Video Game Voice Actors

Really have to agree with most of what is said. As a fan of voice acting (and always wanting to be one), I do feel that voice actors in video games don't get the respect they deserve. It's hard for a person doing a voice in media to be respected compared to say, someone how acts on screen. Yes, I agree that a performance can really make a game and ever since game characters started speaking, having a voice that makes them seem more 'real' is a major factor to that character (and in turn, a games) success.

Even the simplest of voices makes a character. For instance, does the name Charles Martinet mean anything to you. I'd never heard of him until a few years ago. He's the voice of Nintendo's Mario. I know Mario and I know Mario's voice, but had never known about him up until a few years back when my brother got to meet him in person at an expo. And that's just a common character, what about the lesser known names? This is why we need more precognition for these great people.

I can see this problem has entered the film industry too. Look at many of the animated movies. Now look at the ones that were based on something nostalgic. Now compare the voices from the original to the current version. Many of those characters don't sound the same and the reason is that many who had voice actors behind those characters were not called up for the revitalizing of those franchises, but instead were replaced by big named actors who sounded nothing like the original characters. Why? To these film makers think bringing in big names sells movies? Do they not understand that trying to sell a movie based on nostalgia requires, you know, that which makes it nostalgia? It's a big problem.

Personally, I'd love to thank those who are the voices behind the characters we love, both from video games and animation. It is to them that truly gives a character personality and life and it is thanks to them that many products (and sequels, prequels and spin offs) are sold on.

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