Friday 4 August 2017

Banjonistas Arrive

So the Banjonistas order arrived and I have good news and bad news. The good news is that it actually came with the bonus miniature of a Swine Cursed. The Bad news is that there are still no instructions on line to put these miniatures together, meaning I'm just going to have to guess based on the packaging images. Not how I planned to do it, but I have no idea how long it will take for Wyrd to get those instructions online, more so given that they are prepping for GenCon, so I doubt they'd get them up until after it was over.

Still glad they arrived though. After all the crap I've had to deal with lately, it will be nice to finally get the Dimitri model done.


Well bugger. Turns out my Dimitri conversion will have to wait due to issues with the other model I had planned to use, so that's disappointing. On the other hand, the other two Banjonistas and Swine Cursed were put together with little trouble (though I must admit that I had some strong Asthma med before putting the Banjonistas together, which did make it difficult to put together due to the shaking it leaves in my arms). The female banjo player will need a little green stuff to fix one of her arms (it didn't exactly fit properly), but that shouldn't be a problem. Am looking forward to basing the Swine Cursed, that model is rather nice.

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