Wednesday 30 August 2017

General's Handbook 2017 - You Confuse Me GW

So there was a real sense of worry with the release of the new General's Handbook for Age of Sigmar, mostly down to the fact that with games like Skirmish and Path to Glory, their promise of ensuring that all those factions that are now gone (e.g. Tomb Kings) would still be supported. Now don't get me wrong, the new book is adding more things like games, theme bonuses etc, but given their history, it is rather concerning. Sure enough, none of those units that were in the first book are now there.

At first I was rather upset and wasn't in the mood to do another GW rant, but something strange occurred. While looking at reviews to see other peoples opinions of this, one mentioned that all the PDF versions of the classic 8th forces would be updated to include points for missing units. Sure enough, he was right. The Warscrolls have point numbers on their final page. That said, many of these profiles have been removed and linked to generic scrolls already out and many named heroes and their rules are now either changed to a new generic hero (such as Markus Wulfhart now being the new Huntmarshal) or being just the generic hero type (most High Elf characters are now Dragon Noble). Not sure if I like this option, but then again, I could try and convert a Markus Wulfhart model perhaps.

So for me, they still kept to their word, so I'm happy with that. Good for you GW.

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