Tuesday 22 August 2017

Ideas for a Blood Bowl Team

So I've been throwing around the idea for a while on creating a Blood Bowl team. At one point I was suppose to get the Skaven team, but it took so long that the order was eventually cancelled. I am willing to GW a second chance (given I'm still waiting for the AoS: Skirmish book, this technically means a third chance). As someone who loves Skaven, they were to be the faction. However, I've been thinking a lot about another group recently.

See, when the list of models available to be used in AoS: Skirmish came out, I was rather disappointed in the lack of Night Goblin themed ones (along with a lack of Tomb Kings and swarms), as I had hoped to give Glibbins McGibbinz (Pie Assassin) a revival. When I was looking at the Blood Bowl range more recently, I learned of a team called The Underworld Creepers. Going back to my Blood Bowl video game, there was in fact an Underworld team. Given that the Blood Bowl universe is a alternate one to the original Fantasy Battle universe, I finally got the lore idea.

In it, Glibbins McGibbinz of the Funky Fungus Tribe and Snikkitch Twitchnose of Clan Skryre weren't rivals, but instead joined forces to create what they believed to be the ultimate team. The team (called The Funky Warpstoners - name may change, but it is accurate to their players mental state) was filled with players who have abused way to many substances, to the point that they can't be disqualified for using performance enhancing products because in their state one can easily argue that their performance is far from enhanced. The team is more of a comedic one, in that they are far better at giving a show then they are actually winning. As such, they have quite a big fan base and many show up just to see what insane antics they use next.

This could also see the return of the legendary curse of the Skaven linesman, Twitchy's curse. This one came about from my Skaven team in the Blood Bowl video game, in which I named one of the linesman Twitchy. In his first game, he got killed. So I got a new linesman and called him Twitchy the second and he lasted a few games before dying too. So I got another and called him Twitchy the third, who soon died after that and so forth. This way, I can keep the legend of Twitchy's curse alive and maybe sell Twitchy shirts to the crowd, possibly dooming them when things go wild (maybe saying 'Can you survive the curse of Twitchy').

I do note that the video game had a Warpstone Troll (a Troll with Warpstone shards coming out of its flesh), but now it's just a Troll. May do some slight conversion with the Troll miniature. The Goblins seem to have Warpstone veins and at least one green glowing eye. One of the Skaven throwers also had a mechanical arm, so I'm going to go over some ideas to see what kind of conversions I could possibly do. I also need a team banner/icon (maybe a Mushroom made of Warpstone) and a motto (I don't know, maybe "Glowing Shrooms are the Best!"). I will probably go with a dark purple team colour with whatever team icon being of a Warpstone green-like colour to stand against it.

Still early stages, but it's a good start. Might also create a Manager's box to have the Glibbins and Snikkitch miniatures in for games (they could discuss team details, give interviews or get into arguments). Certainly could get a good sponsorship for some experimental fungus brew or Warpstone based training equipment.

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