Thursday 31 August 2017

Vermintide 2 Announced

So they just announced Vermintide 2, with the reveal trailer coming in a few weeks. Mixed on this one as Vermintide was a good game, filling in the gap left by the lack of Left 4 Dead games, but also adding to my Warhammer love. It was more melee focused and really brought out the Skaven numbers. That said, as a massive Skaven fan, it really disappointed me that you couldn't play as them (not even a mini side campaign). Still, that would probably work better as a different game (a prequel to Vermintide perhaps).

As with all games based on Warhammer fantasy it is kinda pointless, given that even if you do win, you ultimately loose. The Old World is destroyed no matter what, so I do find the stakes in these games no not be as effective on me. I am interested to see what they do for the second game. A new location, probably with more variety would be nice (we needed DLC just to get that) and a more unique set of races/class options. So perhaps adding in Lizardmen, Wood Elves, Dark Elves or even Undead (given that this is the End Times and they do side with the forces of Order later on) to the roster. Hell, maybe do the forces of Destruction option and have various Chaos factions turn on them (just a thought). Perhaps allow more customization into it cause just having different hats as a visual option was limiting in my view.

Overall, am curious as to what we'll see, but I assume we will have more enemy variations which were promised in the first. Maybe, GW could work with them in inventing a new enemy type which they can then release in their miniatures line. Perfect opportunity to do it.

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