Wednesday 23 August 2017

Looking Into Making Puppets

So have been thinking a lot about the Puppet Skith idea and have been looking into what would be needed to work on such a project. The first option is having someone make it, but a professional standard usually costs around the $600-$700 mark. The second option is for me to make it myself. Now apart from the risk that it may not be of a decent started, its biggest problem is material costs.

Turns out Australia isn't exactly the country for making puppets. Most of the recommended materials are hard to find here and to get them from overseas is expensive in their own right (which would explain why it costs so much to have someone else make it). At the moment I'm looking into cheaper alternatives. Project Puppet tends to sell patterns for puppets, so I may have to ask what one would be the preferred one for my puppet designs. The Antron Fleece is very hard to obtain (particularly in the colours I need), so I am looking into alternative options, possible woolen fleece. The Reticulated Foam is a little harder to find alternatives as many say Polyfoam, yet whenever I search for it locally all I get is Polystyrene and that stuff is not recommended.

Once I have a set pattern and design, I'll first focus on obtaining the foam (honestly, I'll look around local fabric shops to see what I can use for the skin/fur). Still not sure if I'll add legs or tail. I have looked around at a number of puppets on the Internet to see if I could find a design similar to mine, but those that even remotely look somewhat similar are costumes, not puppets. I guess I'm throwing myself too quickly into this. After all, this is still early stages and it'll be a few months before I can truly start working on it.

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