Monday 14 August 2017

Recent thoughts on my Articles

Been thinking about some of the stuff I write here and I feel that perhaps I need to focus on talking a bit more in depth on topics that I want to talk about or interest me. I do know that while I am enjoying doing my Animated Reflections series (though I could use a better name for it, I just don't want to use one that so many already use), I do feel that I need to expand on them and perhaps throw in a critique them a little more.

I just find it harder to punish something in the 80's when some stuff produce today comes off worse, though I guess pointing out a few flaws here and there in context should be fine. I just want the series to be a positive reflection rather then a negative one. My next one is one I happen to have episodes on DVD, so some quality screen grabs should be on it. The only problem I have is that it's Skippy, Adventures in Bushtown, which is a Yoram Gross production. Thing is, I have a huge amount of respect for the work of Yoram Gross and his production company (well, up until it was sold off and rename to Flying Bark Productions). I would like to write a small side version of Animated Reflections just about the work of Yoram Gross, but I feel that even a small recap would not do it justice. I'll have to think hard on this one (a dangerous risk for me indeed).

Actually, ever since I started doing Animated Reflections, I have manage to find the names of a tone of shows I saw as a kid. Trying to find the episodes so I can review them on it, well that is another matter all together. Despite my Youtube feed cluttered with so much negativity and hate, there are nuggets of gold to find out there. If it wasn't for dedicated fans, I wouldn't have found a number of these episodes and yes, they may not be as I remembered, they still have a special place for me. After all, it was thanks to these shows that helped me shape my own universe and characters. Nostalgia may blind people, but one shouldn't disregard things just because they aren't perfect either.

I also want to veer away from a lot of social issues or 'Youtube drama' like ones, partly cause I want to focus on more positive things (the worlds a shit place, I get it, don't need to be constantly reminded), but also because I feel that it's just hard to have a civilized discussion about most things these days, so it's just easier to avoid them altogether.

Also been reading a lot of writing articles on improving a persons Blog and I will try to take some of that advice into account when moving forward with it. I do feel many of these things would work better with an online video series, but I'm not ready to make that step yet (and I'm no good at script writing too). Perhaps I'll try a few tutorials at some point on some of the VFX skills I learned from my course on top of the Animation and character articles I do. More ideas to add to the pool, so we'll see what I do.

Finally, have started on the Mr Sanderstone project. It is currently under the Characters option in the top menu. Still very much a work in progress (as it the Characters page), but I want to not only start adding characters in set up for video work, but also give a little behind-the-scenes into their creation. More will come in the not too distant future I hope.

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