Thursday 3 August 2017

Wyrd's GenCon Previews Are Out

So Wyrd just threw out their list of GenCon early access miniature order list. I'd say it's a little mix (what am I saying, it's mixed every year), so instead I'll look at some of my favourite picks (images linked from Wyrd's newsletter section).

Holy crap does this alternate Hungering Darkness look amazing. This model is by far the main reason I'm so bummed that I can't order from GenCon this year. It looks so much better then the original (well, technically the original serves more as the companion model, where as this one looks more like an offensive combat version).

So I have no idea why the hell Gremlins got these guys, but damn if they don't look interesting. I am curious to see what the rules for these guys would be and what kind of interaction with the other Gremlins would achieve.

I'm going out on a limb and say........Swampfiend. Just a guess. But in all seriousness (...Pfft...), I really like the look of this one. With both the look of this and the Alt Hungering Darkness, I say Neverborn got some amazing looking miniatures this time round.

I honestly don't know anything about this lot, but the female model would look great as part of my Wild Ones Guild Crew.

This one feels like a bit of a mixed bag as Mucha Roja's theme was to sorta make him feel more unique, but then after reading Into The Bayou and The Bayou Games (given there's a wrestling comp in that), feels more natural that these guys should exist. Oh, I do hope they get that 'theme song' rule from the Bayou Games book cause I'd like to have one in a game where at the start of his turn I could just play a wrestling theme song, just for a bit of fun (the old Kurt Angle theme with chants of 'You Suck' as it's more then likely that my Gremlin probably won't last more then two turns).

The other ones do look great (though I don't know if having a character called Midnight Stalker in a female Outcast group is a safe thing), but these ones I do like just a little bit better.

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