Thursday 1 January 2015

More Skaven End Time Info

So apparently across various boards various Lore information has been popping up about the new Verminlords. Four are said to represent various aspects of The Great Horned Rat's personality while the fifth is the souls of the Council of Thirteen that existed during Nagash's defeat thanks to the Skaven Fellblade that a fused into a singular will. While it may just be me, I feel the reason for these creations is to have a counter point to the five other evil Gods that are playing the End Times. Think about it (info taken from warseer):

Warpseer: Desire to manipulate and control the paths of the future - sounds like Tzeentch, perhaps a counter to him.

Deceiver: Misdirection, sneakiness and deception - possibly Slaanesh?

Corruptor: Embodies the black plague and bubonix spread far and wide by the ratmen of Clan Pestilens. - Screams Nurgle.

Warbringer: Embody the most warlike aspects of the Horned Rat - And here we have the Khorne equivalent.

Verminking: Souls of the Council of Thirteen (Nagash Time) and stitched together into something far greater - A power designed to fight Nagash.

Given that thus far the main threats where the Chaos Gods and Nagash (Elves where too busy fighting themselves to count) it makes sense for the Horned Rat to create weapons to counter those powers to give his children a chance in obtaining the destiny he promised them.

Whether this is what was intended or not doesn't bother me, I just feel that it is a logical explanation for the reasoning behind creating these five monsters.

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