Friday 16 January 2015

Hurricanum Is Up

So finally got the pictures of the Celestial Hurricanum is now up.

Celestial Hurricanum

So happy this one is finished. It's no surprise that as a fan of the Lore of Heavens that I love this kit and miniature. It's a strange and unusual device and reminds me of the strange device found in Aughra's house in the movie 'The Dark Crystal'.

I feel relief now that this one is over. It was a birthday present from my brother nearly two years ago and gives you a rough idea how long this thing has been on the on again, off again project. To finally finish this miniature is great, another burden now gone. I still have many projects left to do, but this one has been the one I've most wanted to finish. I admit that I could have done better with this, but I'm still happy with the finished product.

I like this kit, it's one of those done by Games-Workshop that I consider a great product (the Empire Wizard box kit is another great one). I would love to see more of these strange, but amazing miniatures. It's these bazaar and wonderfully imaginative devices that are just one of the many reasons that I love Fantasy.

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