Saturday 3 January 2015


Given we can now see much clearer versions of what the various Verminlords look like, I do like the look of them. They do appear to be more menacing looking versions of the original Verminlord model (which came out sometime in the late 90's I think).

I do like the look of the Warbringer (who looks like he needs to lead an army of Stormvermin), though my favourite one is a little harder. I'm stuck between the Warpseer and the Deciever. The Deciever has that real sneaky, killer look and his Eshin weapon was an ecellent touch, yet the Warpseen stance and the holding of his orb gives that look like he's about to unleash something nasty on the world. Shame they costs $129AU each, but the End Times seems heavly focused on selling large kits that will most likely never be used in 9th Edition.

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