So, was just quickly looking through some links when a little article with some leaked pics showed up featuring an old Skaven friend:
So this is what the new Thanquol and Boneripper miniature looks like. This is both what I imagined and yet not. Seems they've moved away from the old Skryre skeleton based design in favour of a new Moulder monster with Skryre arm modifications. Also, the image of Thanquol is blurry, so I can't tell for sure if they've kept his horns the same or they've modified them. If they have, I hope they can give an explanation on that one (even something as cheesy as 'The Horned Rat elevated him and his horns magically altered to reflect that status'. It'd be at least an attempt at it.
Damn. Now it seems I may actually have to get this model. Not only is it a great centrepiece for my Skaven collection (I guess so would a Verminlord, but then Thanquol is far better character then them), but I've always wanted a Thanquol and this miniature makes much more sense. Thing was, it's harder to use the old versions as the rules for two separate miniatures ment you needed them close at all times for Boneripper to work. Riding Boneripper is not only more sensible (given he can now hide behind the monster) but would be easier rule wise to be a single miniature. Given my financial situation, I now have to decide whats better to get first, the rules or this miniature?
Look at that beast! Me would so ride-stand tall on one of those.......but Rat Ogres treacherous. Each time I go near-close to them they try to kill-kill me. Ungrateful creatures.
~Grey Seer Skratchnsniff
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