Tuesday 6 January 2015

New Year, New Floggings

So despite another low depression and lack of motivation, I've begun to push myself into completing another project. Unlike some others, this ones been an on again off again project for about two years: The Celestial Hurricanum. About mid to late last year I had another eager to work on it and got nearly all the base structure complete before falling flat again. This time I'll finish it. I've got just over half the planetoids done and most of that which needs to be added just needs a touch up here and there.

In the same container I stored it I also found a half completed Empire Cannon & Crew as well, so I'll try to finish them when I'm done. While it appears my brother has given up on the challenge (although considering just how bad his High Elves got screwed over, he may yet turn back to Khorne), I still want to complete what I still have. The list of what remains of this Empire collection (including the two mentioned above) is as follows:

+Celestial Hurricanum (nearing completion)
+Great Cannon & Crew (Base colours done, crew still need work)
+Helstorm Rocket Battery (Undercoat done)
+19 Swordsmen with Full Command (base colours done, are bloody annoying to paint)
+10 Handgunners with Sharpshooter with Repeater Handgun (Undercoat done)
+Pistoliers with Champ (Still need to convert cloaks before undercoating)
+Celestial Wizard Lord on Royal Pegasus (Need to start conversion)

As you can see, still got a lot to go. I hope to knock the first two off before February, by which point I'll probably be studying again and I'll have to manage my time better. Still, getting the Hurricanum done would be a big relief for me.

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