Thursday 1 January 2015

Plans for 2015 - What Happen's Now?

With a new year I've been doing some of thinking (let's face it, depression means we do a lot of it) and once again I feel like I've hit a brick wall. Perhaps it's the heat and humidity (did I mention I hate Summer) or perhaps it's just a feeling of being lost and lonely, but I can't seem to feel the energy to go forth and make this year better.

My plan is to continue studying, but in what I don't know. I had planned for Screen and Media (mostly focusing on film and TV) and yet have made little attempt to try it over the holiday period. While I may have passed my last course, I feel it was only just and attempting harder studies could backfire on me. Curse me and this depression.

Project wise things have been slow, though mostly due to the heat. My room heats up quickly and I can't use strong light because of it. Sadly, got no where else to do it so it's more of a slow game of patience and waiting for opportunities then anything else. However, with the planned release of some new Skaven goodies this year thanks to the End Times, I suspect I'll finally get some new Skaven miniatures painted up soon. The idea of a new Thanquol mini riding a giant Boneripper sounds like a dream project.

Character wise I will try to get more of them into sketch and note form so I can get more of them done through commissions. I still plan to get a few more for Storm Spear and Corrupticus including a large poster looking one for the Storm War, with different reality versions of Storm Spear on it. I've got a base sketch of the layout and heads of those versions (based on the way they are facing) and will probably scan them in and add colour through Photoshop when I get a chance. From that point on is trying to get enough money saved and to find a great pony artist willing to do it. Also plan to get a few of my Skaven characters done in commissioned art.

Photography is here and there. Was wanting to do some night work, but being close to the city means there's so much light pollution and sadly I have no car to go out west to find such beauty. Haven't got the hang of photo editing and still don't have my own style yet. Not sure on this one.

Will attempt to put paint to canvas in the near future, though when and how I still don't know.

 Perhaps I should try writing short story parts leading to particular articles on this Blog. Not sure how I'd go about doing that since I need to get these previous artistic projects done in order for that to work.

Finally, I should really get out or reach out more often. Being shy and insecure has done little to improve life and self-loathing isn't a healthy thing to do. Maybe get back into shape, that sort of thing. Well see.

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