Thursday 15 January 2015

New Skaven Miniatures

So I forgot to update the blog with the recent pics of new comming Skaven, yet most rumour sites still have no idea that 'The Rise of the Horned Rat' ebook on the Black Library site was available before it was suppost to be released, so I tend to wonder how any of there rumour trackers consider themselves up to date. But back on track.

I do like the Grey Seer, he even has an chunk of Warpstone as an eye replacement. As I mentioned in a previous article, I really do love those little rats they have started placing on these models. All Skaven need to start having pet rats.

The Warlord model and two of the Stormfiend varients. Rumour has it that they'll be a 3+ model unit (pity, I would rather have them as 1+ model unit) and that the unit has a weapon choice of five options, each one based on the five current weapon teams. Best of all, you can have mixed weapons (meaning I can create a unit with both uniqueness and making each one stand out). They count as skirmish and with light armour which can be upgraded to warpstone laced armour (4+), but casualties must come from that first.

I'll be honest, I've struggled to justified spending the $112AU just to get the Thanquol model. I feel they might have a better chance at getting the Stormfiends (though still no price listings for them), but I'll have a better chance at buying the Warlord and the Seer and painting them up for fun. Can't see me using those two in my current army, got enough Warlords/Chieftains and if I was to use a Grey Seer then I already have a model for that.

And don't you forget who that mighty-powerful Grey Seer is man-thing.
~Grey Seer Skratchnsniff

Whatever. Anyway, it'll be nice to get a few new single miniatures to work on. Well, except the tails. Not very good at painting tails. Blasted things.


So the price lists for these miniatures are out with a three pack of Stormfiends are $99AU (Still too much in my opinion, should be around $85AU), Grey Seer is $28AU and Warlord is $24AU. Will have to consider if the Stormfiends are worth it. Actually, I might get the Grey Seer and convert it to an Eshin Sorcerer for my planned Mordheim warband. Perhaps shave the horns back for a slight hood and replace the opened hand with one holding a pistol. 

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