Thursday 1 January 2015

Welcome 2015....

.....feels just like 2014 - Bloody humidity.

Again, just like Christmas, nothing happened. Well OK, that's not entirely true. I was flicking through digital radio stations looking for some comedy and stumbled across a show called 'Another Case of Milton Jones'. And here I thought radio comedy was dead. For those who don't know, back in high school a friend of mine got me into the Goon Show, a classic British comedy featuring Harry Secombe, Peter Sellers and Spike Milligan. I loved it and soon found a few Australian ones like 'Yes, What?' (a show about a classic Australian school classroom with a bunch of disruptive students) and the still current 'How Green Was My Cactus' (a show about Australian politicians).

Anyway, this one was from the second series and had Milton Jones becoming Mayor of London. Despite living in Australia and never having been overseas, I still got Nealy all the jokes and did enjoy the show quite a bit. I appreciate this style of humour as it usually involves good jokes as well as an imagination to visualise scenes. Comedy seems to focus on more crude, offensive humour or just plain swearing in modern times and while that may get a laugh or two, it gets repetitive after a while.

That said, I have yet to get bored of Clive Palmer jokes. Not sure why?

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