Monday 5 January 2015

New Skaven Minis?

So it was pointed out in the video on the Verminlords that one of the upcoming miniatures was seen, a Grey Seer on foot.
I admit it, I love the recent editions of adding small rats to the models.
While the miniature is a nice improvement over the old metal models of foot, it was a few blurred images in the background that got my attention.
What are those things. Clearly they could be the rumoured Armoured Rat Ogres, but that would make these ones mach larger then the original sized Rat Ogres. It might be the mounted character set, but there doesn't seem to be characters riding them. Given the tubes on the top ones but none on the bottom, if this was a set then it would have alternate options in the rules. I feel that they'll be tragically out of my price range and may have to skip. If the parts are good though, I may have to obtain some second hand leftover bitz and create a monster of my own for fun.

Grey Seer? Bah! I, the great-grand Skratchnsniff, am the only true Grey Seer that's needed.....unless mighty Thanquol is reading, then he's truly the great-grand Grey Seer needed.......please don't kill me most spectacular of Seers.
~Grey Seer Skratchnsniff

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