Tuesday 20 January 2015

Balancing A Negative Thing - 9th Ed Rumours

So, as it's been pointed out, I've focused too much on the negatives of the 9th Edition rumours. The fact that they're rumours being the first, but not waiting to see if the rules improve, etc. There are a couple of videos up on Youtube with fans trying to put a positive spin on it, so I guess I'll give it a go too.

Chaosified and Round Bases
It's clear I dislike the idea of round bases in Fantasy, but I believe this may have to do with 40K. See, the maximum unit in a 40K horde army is between 20-30 models, compared to a Fantasy one which can be 20+ with no real limit. This is where the idea of Chaosified comes in. They'll either make some rule changes or stat changes to make the style like that of 40K. Kind of makes sense. Certainly, if I can build an effective Clanrat unit that doesn't need 50+ models that would be a bonus. The rumours suggest that units are still required to rank up if they want to be effective, so I guess we'll see new movement trays come it (though there is a big negative with that).

Regular Releases
While there is still a big debate on this one, it just seems one of those things that will end up going against the company via cheap China knockoffs. As for the positives, if they are affordable, then they'll sell huge amounts and the idea that they'll release with rules means no more waiting a few years just to get a new mini or two with a new army book. We can see it already with them releasing the rules for End Times miniatures in White Dwarf and I do very much like this (mostly because the End Times books are just too expensive, still $96AU just for softback). A new unit to add every few months is a nice idea.

Oh boy, the biggest one is that I still have Skaven, but many others either lost their armies or only part of them survived into 9th Edition. I'll say this, I may still have Skaven, but that doesn't mean I'm no less angry about what happened to the other races. I mean our main foes are Lizardmen (who are now leaving the world) and Dwarfs (who will be a side unit to the new Human faction). I guess we still have each other to fight against, but given how End Times is going it'll be hard to predict what will happened. The fact we still may see Thanquol and Ikit Claw in 9th gives me hope (they will have the life prolonging elixir, unless they get killed off in the last End Times book). The fact that I may already have enough unfinished or usable models for a 9th Edition Skaven starting force (minus a number of bases) and if the rumours are true then this means I'll be able to start playing shortly after release.

So there, three things I've tried (and I mean tried) to be positive about with these rumours. I'll type no more about the subject until more information about it comes to hand.

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